This Algebra Basics Unit Bundle contains guided notes, homework assignments, three quizzes, a study guide, and a test that address the following topics:
• The Real Number System
• Properties (includes a performance task!)
• Order of Operations
• Evaluating Expressions
• Matrices
• Translating Expressions
• Combining Like Terms
• Distributing
• Simplifying Expressions
• Two Step Equations
• Two-Step Inequalities
(1) Links to Instructional Videos: Links to videos of each lesson in the unit are included. Videos were created by fellow teachers for their students using the guided notes and shared in March 2020 when schools closed with no notice. Please watch through first before sharing with your students. Many teachers still use these in emergency substitute situations.
(2) Editable Assessments: Editable versions of each quiz and the unit test are included. PowerPoint is required to edit these files. Individual problems can be changed to create multiple versions of the assessment. The layout of the assessment itself is not editable. If your Equation Editor is incompatible with mine (I use MathType), simply delete my equation and insert your own.
(3) Google Slides Version of the PDF: The second page of the Video links document contains a link to a Google Slides version of the PDF. Each page is set to the background in Google Slides. There are no text boxes; this is the PDF in Google Slides. I am unable to do text boxes at this time but hope this saves you a step if you wish to use it in Slides instead!
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